…has been a full-time musician/entertainer since 1984 and his easy on the ear singing and storytelling have gained him many friends on four continents. Crisp acoustic guitar playing is one of his trademarks and, as his songwriting hero, Tom Paxton said, he is “one of Scotland’s best singers”. Country superstar, Kenny Rogers, also complimented him on his “great work.”
In 2015, he became the host the Spirit of Scotland Show, entertaining visitors from all over the world in Edinburgh's premiere dinner show. In the winters, he performs throughout the UK and sometimes overseas, featuring the songs of writers he admires, his own compositions and, of course, the songs of Scotland.
Of his many career highlights, he particularly treasures the memories of performing at the United Nations, New York; the legendary Nashville venue, the Bluebird Café; and, in 2023, singing at Crathie Kirk in the presence of the King and Queen.
He has four albums currently available at his performances, as well as downloadable recordings.